O N A M A !
Borislav Knežević - Registrovan i licencirani psiholog i sertifikovani hipnoterapeut
Rođen u Užicu 1976. godine. Diplomirao psihologiju 2004. Od 2004. godine, zaposlen u psihološkoj struci, kao profesor psihologije, klinički psiholog, školski psiholog, psiholog u Centru za socijalni rad, kao porodični terapeut, hipnoterapeut.... Učesnik i realizator brojnih projekata kao sto su: prevencija suicida, porodično savetovanje, nasilja u porodici, zatim u projektima za zaštitu protiv side i prevencije bolesti zavisnosti kao i brige o starima i nemoćnim osobama. Lečenje članova i posade brodova (turističkih kruzera i teretnih brodova)....
Objavio je tri knjige:
- Spontana Upadljivost - zbirka eseja
- Lapis - zbirka kratkih priča
- Veštine Memorisanja (2000) - Izdavač ART Narodna biblioteka Srbije 159.953.4.072 ID=79988748) -drugi izdanje (2004)-treće izdanje (2011)
1. Rorschach test, Exnerov integrative system.
2. Systemic family therapy – Alcoholosm
3. Mental Hygiene in developmental age.
4. Guidelines for working with sexual minorities in the social protection system.
5. Training program for supervisors in social care.
6. Prevention of institutional placement of children and young people.
7. Knowledge and skills of the case managers
in social care
8. The skills of growing up.
9. Training for implementation of educational standards in final exams of primary education.
10. You are with us and not beside us“ - (about Inclusive еducation)
11. Knowledge test in purpose of grading students
- (how to made test for students)
12. The third school for southeast Europe on implementation of `hands-on` science methods in teaching science in preschool and primary school.
13. Each classroom to become multimedijal.
14. Duties of class teacher in modern school.
15. Certified
Hypnotherapist (New Era - Marijo Krzic) - Sertifikovani
Hipnoterapetut - Akreditovano od Medjunarodne Asocijacije za
Hipnoterapiju - Accredited by
International Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy Association
16. Program Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation –
IPA EU Finding 20016-2020.
17. Prevent institutional accommodation of
children and young people.
18. Use of educational records and files.
Za hipnozu nema granica, jedino je ograničena maštom hipnoztizera...Imajte poverenja u sopstvene nesvesne rezerve, dajte sami sebi željene sugestije i ne dopustite sumnji da vas koči. Podsvest vas neće ostaviti na cedilu.